Reva Phoenix provides classroom trainings coupled with industry specific workshops to cater to the demands of manufacturing and service industries. Being Master Trainers, core areas of training include QMS, EMS, OHSAS, IMS, TPM, TQM, Lean and Six Sigma.
Improvement is the name of the game. Getting more using fewer resources. Providing a better product or service to reduce your costs and increase customer satisfaction and market share. And the ultimate – improvement in profit
Why wait for an economic downturn or for your customer to ask you for a price decrease to find your profit leaks? Our experienced staff will review your company’s processes to identify improvement opportunities.
Our knowledgebase and toolbox includes such concepts as Lean, Visual Factory, 5S, Poka Yoke, DMAIC, Root Cause Analysis, Data Collection & Analysis, Six Sigma, Kaizen, and much more. Our years of experience will be put to work immediately to provide you with value added feedback indicating where improvements could be made.
Internal audits require a staff that is well trained in auditing techniques and knowledgeable in effective, improvement and cost reduction methods to provide value added results. Most companies that are certified to QMS Standards use company internal auditors who do internal audits on an as needed basis.
Training and conducting audits is such a small amount of their job that they never have time to tune and improve their audit skills. Employees often get promotions, get busier, or may even leave the company. All of these circumstances cause companies to be in a constant internal auditor training mode, leading to ineffective audits costing thousands of dollars each year, which normally are not resulting in a positive ROI. Our experienced, trained staff conduct audits for a living, are well trained, and very knowledgeable about improvement methods and techniques. We all undergo training each year to ensure we continue to improve our knowledge and skills. Every audit we conduct results in opportunities for improvements and/or preventive actions, which will reduce risks, increase customer satisfaction, reduce costs, improve product and service quality, and much more.
Over the years, we have over 50 training modules, prepared as an outcome of extensive documentary research, an in-depth study of Best in Class industrial practices and learning’s from implementation makes Reva Phoenix course materials a perfect combination of knowledge and skill. With a firm belief in implementation and bottom line improvements, Reva Phoenix also provides hand holding and consultation services to continue with the learning’s and get them implemented into the roots of the organization. Please find herewith a partial list of Training Programs offered. We also custom make Training Modules to suit Client requirements.
- Six Sigma – Green Belt Program
- Six Sigma – Black Belt Program
- Lean Manufacturing – Green Belt Program
- Lean Manufacturing – Black Belt Program
- Lean Six Sigma – Green Belt Program
- Lean Six Sigma – Black Belt Program
- Cellular Manufacturing
- Reva Phoenix – 108 Tools of Lean Six Sigma – Master Black Belt Program
- 5S for Shop Floor Excellence – Workshop
- SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) Concept – Workshop
- Visual Factory Concept – Workshop
- Super market concept
- Value Stream Mapping – Current State & Future State – Workshop
- Lean Six Sigma – For the Top Management
- Lean Six Sigma – For the Middle Management
- Lean Six Sigma – For the Operators
- Poka Yoke – Mistake Proofing – Workshop
- Lean Six Sigma Tools for Shop Floor Excellence – OEE, TPM, SMED, VSM
- Lean Machines
- Zero Defect Quality
- Minitab
- Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
- Hoshin Kanri – Policy Deployment
- TQM – Introduction
- TQM – For Top Management
- TQM – For Middle Management
- TQM – For Operators
- Exactness
- Understanding Deming Principles
- Management for Objectives (MFO)
- Visualization
- Daily Work Management
- Deming Application Prize
- 5S for Workshop
- X Matrix
- Managing Points & Checking Points (MPCP)
- TQM – Diagnosis
- Road Map to Deming Application Prize
- Kano Model
- Six Sigma Vs TQM Vs TPM
- Zero Defect Quality
- PDCA at Work
- 8 Pillars of TPM
- TPM Kick Off
- TPM – Briefer
- TPM – For Middle Management
- TPM – For Operators
- TPM – For Executives
- Shop Floor Excellence through TPM
- Model Machine
- 7 QC Tools
- 7 New QC Tools
- 7 QC Problem Solving Methodology – JUSE
- Global 8D Problem Solving Methodology
- Value Analysis / Value Engineering
- Resource Optimization
- PDCA for Continual Improvement
- Cost of Quality
- Cost of Poor Quality
- Kaizen for Continual Improvement
- QC Story Approach
- Zero Defect Quality
- Small Group Teams (SGT)
- QC Circle Concept (QCC)
- Gemba QC
- 3M Workshop
- 5S Workshop
- 7 QCT Workshop
- 5G Workshop
- 7 Waste Workshop
- 8D Workshop
- 16 Loss Workshop
- Business Excellence Models
- Creating a Business Plan
- CAPA Workshop
- Change Management Workshop
- Kaizen Workshop
- Control Plan Workshop
- Dynamic Control Planning Workshop
- Root Cause Analysis Workshop
- Supplier Quality Improvement Workshop
- SWOT – Workshop
- VA VE – Workshop
- VSM – Workshop
- Visual Factory – Workshop
- 7 Habits
- Assertiveness skills
- Building leadership
- Business communication
- Business etiquettes
- Performance Appraisal
- Change Management
- Conducting Meetings
- Conflict Resolution
- Creativity in Decision Making
- Effective Communication Skills
- Emotional Intelligence
- Goal Setting
- Group Discussion
- Brain Storming
- Interpersonal Skills
- Interview Skills
- Knowledge Management
- Leadership Skills
- Leadership Styles
- Listening Strategically
- Managerial Skills
- Mentoring
- Negotiation Skills
- Personal Effectiveness
- Personality Development
- Planning & Organizing
- Time Management
- Problem Solving
- Procrastination
- Public Speaking
- Relationship Management
- Supervisory Skill Development
- Team Building
- Time & Stress Management
- Train the Trainer
- Transactional & Transformational Leadership
- Working in Team
Get started to work with Reva Phoenix:
If you're ready to take the next steps to ensure your Business Excellence initiatives are adhering to the industry standards that protect both you and your customers, we are here to help.
To receive a quote, complete the Online Request for Quotation or mail us at or call us at +91 99405 64261. Get all of your questions answered, choose the package that works best for you, and then you’re ready to go!